The Fear

December 28th, 2012

Learns to handle the fear: in the majority of the occasions the fear is originated in your thoughts and these they bring about a be in favor to you of anguish and of consequence stress. You can reduce it to the fear replacing the negative or disagreeable thoughts by images that they tranquilize to you, positive thoughts, that cause that your body begins to relax. Something recommendable is that cheers now. Humor: It includes whenever you can humor and the enthusiasm to your life, a pinch of humor, laughter and enthusiasm will to a great extent contribute to dominate your stress. The laughter and the good humor will improve the relations with the people who surround and in a situation by stop stress to you, humor or the laughter will really lower your high levels of stress.

When DES tells you that these extremely estresada deal with acordarte of something funny, of a joke or something that causes that you ***reflx mng yourself. Humor always will cause that you see the situations from a different perspective. As it were said in previous articles, stress will be in your life and is inevitable, but also you can fight it. It tries to follow these advice, if you see that you have some symptom of stress, you do not leave advance until the point to explode, as rapidly as possible detects the cause by which you feel thus and implements the method that pleases to lower you more to the levels of stress in your body and mind, this will do that benefits every day of your life. It would enchant to know your opinion to me, I invite to you to share this article with friendly or relatives who can be seen beneficiaries with the information. Original author and source of the article.



December 21st, 2012

When being questioned on the symptoms of the affection, 94,73% of the participant citizens had made right, answering that the symptoms of the affection are pains in the joints, persistent high fever, body, lack of appetite, showing that they will be able to come to suspect of an affection case and to help other people. According to Health department (BRAZIL 1996, p.22) the made test to evidence the affection is the test of the bow, that is carried through inflating the manguito of tensimetro in the average pressure between the maximum arterial pressure and the minim of the patient, remaining itself it pressure exerted in this point per five minutes. The test if makes positive when they below appear the twenty or petquias ones in the pressure place or, in a 2,5 area of cm2.Pode to be negative or lightly positive during the shock phase, becoming positive in the phase of recovery of the shock. Graph 3: Percentage of errors rightnesss on and test to diagnosis the Affection. When questioned on the test to diagnosis the affection, 60,52% of the participant citizens had made right, answering that the test to diagnosis the affection is the Test of the Bow, proving that the media passes a basic knowledge. The hemorrhagic affection (DHF/DSS), in what it says respect the form of if initiating, is similar the classic form of the affection, with high fever, nauseas and vomits, arthralgias and mialgias, however aggravation of the affection is the phase more. In as or the third day of illness, the hemorrhagic phenomena start to appear, with petquias in the face, palatal veil, armpits and extremities. Fosnseca and Figueiredo (2006, p.351). Graph 4: Percentage of errors and rightnesss on the aggravating one of the Affection. When being questioned on the aggravating one of the affection, 81,54% of the participant citizens had made right, indicating as aggravation the hemorrhagic pictures, proving that the media is working well on the types of affection and its aggravation.


The Vestibular

December 8th, 2012

They are conjuncts of release, charity, cleanness spiritual, prays evangelho and doctrine those espritos that are needed encaminhamentos for the evolution. My brother also contributed very with that affection, that one force I came back, my mother me received as the prodigal son, ordered to make a special lunch. The return To start of new. Enrolled in the vestibular contest, I gave examination and I passed, I was in tenth room place, were fifty vacant and already they had three hundred more than and fifty enrolled ones, were a rescue of auto esteem, to show for same me that it was capable, alone I could understand this no matter how hard they wanted me to help, as I received aid from much people and if I same nothing wanted this I would not have happened. During these four years in the college, I studied very, was as one I remove, wrote a book, made friendships with people with golden the similar one to mine, I felt a deep anxiety and I arrived until the o vomit at I see a couple to it if kissing, literally, one more time I received much energy positive from people who really only wanted my progress clearly material spiritual and. By the way, it found me with a serious problem that was the sexual question, I I had only twenty and four years and it could not be looking at men and to feel fear to them, panic there? – asking to me making this questioning finding the solution, that was to look the cause of the symptom. It appeared of where? I know that he was of the impact with the reality to know of the marriage of Seting and the relationship of the Joo with Siberia (the former ones of the member of the house of representatives), I remember? Then, he concludes that I would have to liberate mine inhibited looking one of the two to talk, would be so to speak a very serious step therefore met the two engaged ones and I could until me hurt more, then what my ego would have to make it to be rescued? I talked with God, I learned that It is it solution for everything, I delivered to the situation all for It.
