Pregnancy and Iodine Deficiency

February 15th, 2017

In these terms take Api Spear for 2 weeks or month, then to the child have good teeth. 5-6 months pregnant laid eyes and ears during this period, it is important to avoid iodine deficiency, the child was born with full hearing and sight. 6-7 months – laid the talents of children. Do you want a talented child? Then eat Api Spear. Why Pregnant Formula Ra? It reduces the toxic effects on the fetus. In women, these toxic effects are many.

If a woman herself does not smoke, but my husband smokes and it is among the smokers, or she took some of drugs, then it must necessarily Pills formula Ra. It is like no other drops, removes toxic effects on the fetus. From Honey – Apitok: reduces the toxic effect. During pregnancy, the need to: Enhance immune system Sanitize foci of chronic infections Conduct prevention of anemia Prepare the woman for lactation order to prevent anemia, a woman needs to take Hlebinu. This product has beneficial effects on health pregnant women and fetal development. Perga normalizes blood pressure, relieves uterine tone, relieve pain by pulling in the expansion of the pelvis, reduce morning sickness, vomiting almost stops, prevents anemia, and blood supplies body with essential vitamins and improves the full formation of all the important life-support systems and organs of the fetus and helps all the internal organs of the pregnant woman to cope with load. In the first months of pregnancy toxaemia prevents pollen reception and miscarriages.

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