Beijing University

January 21st, 2014

Scientists have developed a method of reproduction of stem cells in the laboratory, learned how to grow them from various tissues and even organs. Stem cells are able to stimulate cell regeneration and repair almost any damage to the body, but all this can not completely overcome senescence and has only a temporary rejuvenating effect. The fact that in the aging process play a key role changes in the human genome. Biological clock human Scientists have found that in all cells there are some ‘biological clock, measure their lifetime. As such “biological clock” are the telemeters – DNA regions of repetitive sequences of nucleotides tagging, located at the ends of chromosomes. With each cell division telomeres becoming shorter and shorter. And when telemeters shorten to the size limit, the cell triggers a mechanism that leads her to the programmed death – apportion.

There is an interesting fact: in the cancer cell works a special enzyme called telomerase, responsible for the superstructure of telomeres. Dr. Robert Brannon follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Thus, cancer cells are capable of restoring telomere length, share a virtually unlimited number of times and not subjected to aging processes. If a healthy cell to introduce a dna sequence encoding the enzyme telomerase, the cell will acquire the above listed characteristics, but at the same time, become cancerous. Aging gene – P 16 However, as it turned out, the aging of cells depends not only on the shortening of telomeres. Chinese scientists headed by Professor of Medical Academy of Beijing University discovered a gene ‘P 16 “, responsible for cell aging..


Mars Blood

May 1st, 2011

Since the spring equinox begins a new astrological and astronomical year. Aries – the first sign that starts solar zodiacal cycle, so lush springtime activity of natural influences, particularly turn on the people born under the sign of Aries, or have a strong Mars in the horoscope, which is a planet-ruler of Aries. This symbol has the astral communication and projected the aura of the head, so he has a strong impact on the hemisphere of the brain, scalp, on the skull and face (except jaw). The energy of Aries is also a significant effect on cerebral blood flow, the state of the shells and the cerebral cortex, the upper section lungs and bronchi. Therefore, most people under the influence of a strong but disharmonious energies of this sign – "hot heads" in both forward and in a figurative sense, are prone to impulsive, risky, reckless action. Aries often have scars, birthmarks, marks on his face and head, suffering an early loss of hair and skin diseases of the head as their patron Mars – the god of war and action, causing destruction and waste. Aries energy affects the state of the eyes, teeth, gums, mucous membranes and sinuses (maxillary cavity and nasal cavity) of the head, as well as the adrenal gland, solar plexus, the epigastric region and partly on the reproductive organs and their function. This sign and its ruler Mars has a very strong effect on the digestive function, particularly in the digestive secretion and digestion, the blood, blood, and the number of red blood cells.

They also responsible for the amount of dynamic energy, the formation of epinephrine and a significant effect on motor nerves and muscles, organs of excretion, affecting mainly to the impulsive nature of man. Their energy allow the body to exhibit different physiological functions: the immune system, removing toxins and mucus, temperature regulation, blood oxygen exchange. Moreover, the dynamic energy of Aries and Mars are responsible for the distribution microelements, especially iron, which influences the processes of respiration. Harmonious energy of Aries and Mars generate unusual states of consciousness – enlightenment and creativity, which enables a person to rush into the future, build ambitious plans ahead of its time. These energies contribute to the generation of ideas, unusual intellectual achievement of the states, as well as enhance the creative and sexual potential of a person, give opportunity to achieve high results and focus on continuous development and self-assertion.

Quite often in the nature of Aries inherent instinctive desire to be first, unique, unique. Aries choose a very difficult problem for self-realization and manifestation of its hidden features, demonstrating courage, confidence and steadfastness in the most risky situations. In this case, they are peculiar readiness protect the weak, the generosity and breadth of nature. Aries are usually quite hardy people capable of performing a civic duty, and often have high creativity and abilities, aimed at transformation of matter. Highly organized Aries are able to foresee the future, have the gift of prophecy and fairly strong intuition, which can be used in practice.
