Press Feet

December 26th, 2020

I am sure that almost every question: ‘Would you like to have a strong, resilient, nakachany press? ” would answer yes, yes, of course, of course, and all of that sort Just reply to the question absolutely every girl if she was asked: ‘Do you want a waist like a model? ” But to achieve this is not so and it is difficult as it may seem at every glance! As the saying goes all in your hands, a little perseverance, patience, and you’re with every day are approaching nearer and nearer to goal. Under Armour is full of insight into the issues. Just tell me: ‘I did, I can, I will achieve! ” Now directly about themselves exercise. To pump up your abdominal muscles are not necessarily going to dorogostoyuschie gym, pay for services a coach.

can be sdelat and at home. Arrange for example on the floor, ask someone to hold his feet and begins to raise his torso until it does not make a 90 degree angle with their feet. Hands holding his head, and if you hard, then crossed them on his chest. You should begin with a small number, three – four episodes per day, with gradual uvelichenime load of approximately 20-30 repetitions for 1 . Over time, you can head over to keep any cargo for the load increases, for example . You can also start to rock press on an inclined board, which also significantly increase the load. Before beginning an exercise is desirable to take a short jog to the muscles warmed up, a positive impact on the result. Within a month of training, your press transformed for the better, get stronger. Guys will start to appear so-called bricks on the press, and the girls will become even more attractive and slimmer.


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