Natural Purifier

January 4th, 2022

Strikingly, in the shops of our country has always sold and marketed to this day with chicory coffee drinks. However, according to popular opinion indulgent, these drinks are vtorosorotnymi, like surrogate. At the price of they are quite affordable, but much of the population passes them by. But few people know that chicory interesting role and responsible task of restoring the purity of the gastrointestinal tract, and ridding the colon intestine from pathogenic microorganisms, cramps, constipation, hemorrhoids. The first mention of chicory as a staple food, are for the period of ancient Egypt. The great success he enjoyed in the Roman Empire as a forage, salad and herb. Starting from the 16th century in Europe, chicory roots browned and used in the manufacture of beer and soft drinks as a substitute for coffee, constitutes an ingredient medications. Chicory – perennial herb of the Asteraceae family, which in the wild form is found throughout Europe except the northern regions.

It grows in meadows, river valleys, slopes, forest glades and forest edges, roadsides and villages. Today the cultural form of breeding varieties of chicory is cultivated in almost all European countries. European and Japanese doctors recommend chicory as an energy tool, widely implementing it in food. The most valuable substance, for which cultivated chicory, inulin Inulin is a carbohydrate-type fructans. Fructans contain more than one-third of all plants on earth.

After starch, fructans are the most common carbohydrates. Inulin with a part of plant foods used by man every day. Its a lot of onions, garlic, tomatoes, corn, dandelion, Jerusalem artichoke. Inulin a gelling fibers, exhibiting a positive effect, which improves the assimilation of necessary substances, enhances the effect of lactose, is involved in the synthesis of B vitamins, toxins and carcinogens in the colon. Many scientists have concluded that the observed imbalance of bacterial today throughout the composition in the human gut is associated with inadequate intake of vegetable, cereal foods in containing inulin and cellulose. I want to and I recommend everyone who is working on restoring the health of the gastrointestinal tract, chicory – a delicious and beautiful assistant.

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Aquarius Stones

December 21st, 2019

Amber has a curative effect when infections, brings peace and balance, helping to make decisions. Aquamarine meteozavisimost Relieves and helps with respiratory diseases, clears the mind and enhances psychic abilities. Lapis lazuli It soothes, reduces body temperature, protects the heart and kidneys, strengthens the feeling of confidence. As well as helping to find a man his own personal truth, to become a master of inner peace. On emerald can just watch. It is very useful to the eye.

Just emerald saves from depression, fever, leprosy, epilepsy. At the head of the bed or under your pillow relieves insomnia. When worn around the neck improves eyesight and eliminate forgetfulness. Promotes longevity, protects adultery. Protects from annoying the visitors. Dreams of the person wearing the emerald, very often come true.

Protects the diamond from the evil eye, cleanses the face of the stains, and the breath from the stench. Green diamond promotes the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth easier. The most efficient diamond, resulting in a selfless gift. Diamond is not useful to the person who bought it. Diamond with interior stains and is considered the most unlucky fatal stone. But the stones must be cautious. They say that the rocks there and dangerous. For example, such as alexandrite and opal. It is said that initially attracts Alexandrite trouble for the person who wears it. But on After many years he had become accustomed to his master, charging him – gives him courage and good humor! As for Opal, they say that it even contains a poison that poisons its owner. It is also worth to treat with suspicion and to lunar rock … Moon. Her alluring mysterious light … It is believed that the stone may have adverse effects. But in reality, if the stone is unfavorable, it does not mean that it will harm you as well. All this is very individually. Undeniable relationship have heaven, earth, stones, zodiac. Every stone, like a man meets a certain season, day, hour. Each stone is most active during certain periods of time. For example, Calendar, published in Augsburg in 1481, shows the connection between body, stones and zodiac signs. Aries corresponds sardonyx; Taurus – korneolu, Gemini – topaz; Cancer – chalcedony; Leo – jasper, Virgo – emerald; Scales – beryl; Scorpio – amethyst; Sagittarius – Hyacinth, Capricorn – chrysoprase; Aquarius – rock crystal; Pisces – sapphire. And most importantly – can now be easily explained by our desire to have some or other jewelry with precious stones. After all, they bring health and love! Almost all the rocks, framed in gold, becoming stronger, with the exception of black stones – they are more suitable silver.

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Pregnancy and Iodine Deficiency

February 15th, 2017

In these terms take Api Spear for 2 weeks or month, then to the child have good teeth. 5-6 months pregnant laid eyes and ears during this period, it is important to avoid iodine deficiency, the child was born with full hearing and sight. 6-7 months – laid the talents of children. Do you want a talented child? Then eat Api Spear. Why Pregnant Formula Ra? It reduces the toxic effects on the fetus. In women, these toxic effects are many.

If a woman herself does not smoke, but my husband smokes and it is among the smokers, or she took some of drugs, then it must necessarily Pills formula Ra. It is like no other drops, removes toxic effects on the fetus. From Honey – Apitok: reduces the toxic effect. During pregnancy, the need to: Enhance immune system Sanitize foci of chronic infections Conduct prevention of anemia Prepare the woman for lactation order to prevent anemia, a woman needs to take Hlebinu. This product has beneficial effects on health pregnant women and fetal development. Perga normalizes blood pressure, relieves uterine tone, relieve pain by pulling in the expansion of the pelvis, reduce morning sickness, vomiting almost stops, prevents anemia, and blood supplies body with essential vitamins and improves the full formation of all the important life-support systems and organs of the fetus and helps all the internal organs of the pregnant woman to cope with load. In the first months of pregnancy toxaemia prevents pollen reception and miscarriages.

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Restore Youth Facial Skin

May 31st, 2014

Leather – one of the main and objective measures of well-being of man. In particular, it touches the skin of a human face. Many diseases can leave imprints on your face. Facial skin reacts to diseases of the digestive systems, pathology, blood-forming organs, kidneys, nervous system and many other organs. This is especially true of female skin. It just so happens that the female body is more susceptible to external and internal factors, than the male. Bags under the eyes, wrinkles, the appearance of blackheads, acne, dryness and peeling of the skin, jaundice, swelling of the face, fragility and loss of hair – just a few of the symptoms of various diseases in a woman's face. So how do you return skin youth and beauty? It is necessary only to follow a few simple rules to help you achieve this.

First, you must give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol will not help your appearance isamochuvstviyu mind. Improving nutrition. Click Harvey Finkelstein MD to learn more. It is important to reduce consumption of fatty, spicy, fried, salty food. Eat more fiber (cabbage, cucumbers and other vegetables). Train yourself to eat at the same time. These simple rules will improve your digestion, will give ease and it will quickly a good effect on your skin.

If your skin is yellow or pale, would not take more than common blood. These symptoms can be symptoms of several diseases of the digestive system and blood. If possible, use a minimum of makeup. If it is not possible, try to choose cosmetics based on natural ingredients. 1-2 times a week to do the natural mask (broth mint, lime, chamomile, plantain, sour cream, yogurt). Wipe your face with lemon or cabbage juice. They fill the skin with vitamins and minerals. Follow these simple rules during the month, and soon you will see how Your skin will be transformed.

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Oatmeal Diet

December 12th, 2011

Almost all people on earth dream of becoming slim and breath-taking. To do this they use a variety of diet and exercise. Until recently, I myself was very large and broad the woman, while weighing as much ninety-three kilogram. Those days were terrible. At twenty-three years, decided to throw off the weight and improve your health.

When I flew to different countries, specially assembled weight loss method of local residents. The very same I have tried most of the them, but the most effective of these for my body is oatmeal diet. With this diet I was able to reset the nineteen kilograms less than six months. Now I feel very comfortable and I had no worries my weight. At the same time and your body of harmful toxins prichistila. With this diet can not only lose weight, and body scrub from different residues, but also cure your stomach (for whom the difficulties).

The basis of this diet – it is to start Abstract. The effect will surprise you. If you are not experiencing problems with my stomach, then begin with is cleansing your gut. That will lead to a decrease in weight from three to five pounds in one week. Cleaning up: in the 1st liter of water Soak four teaspoons of rice on a large night. In the morning boil the soaked rice in a small flame. You should get a liquid consistency reminiscent of his own pudding – wash down with her, and for the next schesti hours does not drink or lunch or supper. After 5 o'clock eat how much you want, but for five hours before bedtime Do not eat or drink (including yogurt, tea with sugar and caffeine). When told that it is permitted is as you want, it does not mean you have is a fat meal, it is recommended to use low-carb diet. Diet: In the morning, at lunch, afternoon snack and dinner eat oatmeal porridge, if you are hungry do not leave, we eat fruit, but do not overdo them. If along the way to cleaning and even combine oatmeal, the result after 30 days you will be pleasantly surprised. Cleansing is not recommended to spend more than one month (in other words the maximum 30 days) then your body needs rest for six months. Itself a diet of oatmeal is not taking into your body all the required micronutrients, so often and for a long time it did not advise stick.

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Sleep-Grass Usage

August 5th, 2011

Sleep-grass. In Russia, 26 species of plants and they are poisonous because they contain in their composition of matter anemonin, protoanemonin and saponin. It has long herbaceous plants crude rhizome straight stem, leaves from the thick fluffy white hair, flowers have a strong odor, causing tearing. The plant grows in sandy sunny meadows, along roadsides, in pine forests. It is nearly spread throughout Russia, but particularly well in the eastern part of Polesie, as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment for cleaning pads. The plant has long been known in folk medicine.

Its used for nervous disorders, as a narcotic drug for insomnia, toothache, whooping cough, bronchitis. Son-grass depressing effect on the central nervous system, so when you work with it must be observed caution (only work in a well ventilated area). The thymus is normal. Perennial herbaceous climber with fleshy, dark brown, thick, whitish inside the root up to 1 m, requires cleaning pads. Stems climbing and climbing up to 4 m. The leaves are alternate, long, leaf blade ovate, entire, membranous, glabrous, 8-14 cm long plant found in the forests of the lower and middle mountain zone of the Crimea and the Caucasus, especially often – in beech and chestnut forests of Abkhazia.

All parts of plant are poisonous. The plant is little studied. The roots contain tamusa formic and oxalic acid, alkaloid substances, glycosides, saponins and tannins and. In The fruits contain carotenoids, lycopene and likoksantin and mucus. Roots tamusa used in folk medicine in Georgia and other Caucasus regions externally in the treatment of rheumatism and sciatica. Industrial procurement in an amount several tens of tons per year are possible in Chernigov, Kiev, Cherkassy, Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions during the restoration. A significant amount of this material may be cure in Bashkortostan, Altai Mountains, Tuva. Nature reserves celandine hundreds of times greater than the need for this raw material.

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August 2nd, 2011

In some sources this story sounds a bit different. Rosemary flowers are blue, when in flight with a small Christ of soldiers of Herod the Virgin Mary in the bush of rosemary worn his blue coat. Therefore, one of the many colloquial names of this plant – "Cloak of Mary." Legends tell us that the Greek gods on Mount Olympus going to adorn their heads with wreaths of rosemary and valued it above gold. It was believed that the plant enhances memory. For more specific information, check out dr. steven greer. Greek and Roman students wore garlands of rosemary during examinations in order to improve memory and stimulate mental activity. Sprig of rosemary is a symbol of memories.

Rosemary was one of the first plants that have become used for medicinal purposes, as well as in cooking and in religious ceremonies. His shoots voskurivali in temples of ancient Greece. It is also considered sacred in ancient Rome and Egypt. This can be seen the remains of plants found in Egyptian tombs. The smell of rosemary, a bit like the smell of incense. Since ancient times, rosemary, along with lavender, sage, thyme and Melissa grew up in the hills of Lebanon, had been circulated in all countries Mediterranean. The Roman author Pliny in his writings, wrote of him as a medicinal plant which possesses magical powers, arguing that its flowers remain so attractive blue color due to the fact that Rosemary grows mainly along the coast of the sea, and sea foam, getting the flowers, colors them blue. In medieval Europe rosemary hit by the Roman legionnaires, or maybe even the Germanic tribes, that in the III century BC fought a war with the Roman Empire.

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Gastric Acidity

July 31st, 2011

In some patients, this change increased gastric acidity, while gentian and almond (N 19 and 31) did not give such an effect. In conclusion, it must be said that flowers are everlasting (napar and sometimes broth 5 minutes) as one, and in mixtures, which we already had, with great success also apply to people flushing the uterus and vagina during whiter. Flowers everlasting stored in wooden boxes, lined with paper inside. St. John's wort common, transfixed. Russian title: St. John's wort; Ukrainian: ZvIrobIy, cleft krIvtsya, sventoyanske zIllya perennial herb with annual stems grow back, the stems erect, branched in upper part, reaching heights of 30-100 cm. Leaves oval, obtuse, with abundant translucent points.

Inflorescences dense-flowered. Sepals lanceolate, acute, petals yellow, in some species of Hypericum, with black dots. Flowers, mashed fingers, paint them purple. Taste astringent plants, the smell of sweet, specific. Growing in the furrows, meadows, forest plantations, the roads and in thickets in wastelands and dry meadows. Ubiquitous. Blooms from late June and the summer, flowers are yellow. St.

John's wort has a few (9) species. All of them are medical people. Therapeutic advantage of certain types can be opened by special studies. Collected during flowering, cutting off the top of the stems and leaves, and branching. It is believed that the body person acts as an astringent, stimulates appetite, improves intestinal origin, as a diuretic and healing wounds. In scientific medicine and apply tincture of St. John's wort extract in the same cases as in folk medicine. It plant – the most important medicinal plant from all we know. According to its therapeutic 'force' personally, I compare it with strawberries, with the only difference being that the strawberry season lasts three to four weeks (season berries), and being dried, strawberries basically lose their existing properties, and St. John's wort and fresh and dried is always effective. People call St. John's Wort 'grass of the 99 diseases. " And indeed, if the mixture is made against whatever disease, both internally and externally without it costing. St. John's wort, as well as other medicinal plants, and use by itself and in mixtures with other plants, but if we adopt the viewpoint of national experts, joined by his opinion, the best mix. In the treatment of stone disease of the liver, disorders of the stomach and intestines, bladder, some women's diseases, lung diseases, inflammations, boils, ulcers, chirev, rashes on the body, even rheumatism – St. John's needed everywhere. How can no flour to bake bread, so no St. John's Wort can treat many diseases of humans and animals. By the way, St. John's wort is not toxic and 'do not kill animals. " The name derives from the Kazakh 'dzherabay' 414 Request-URI <a href=''>Too Large</a>

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