Yans and Diabetics

December 17th, 2019

The Yan is an excellent food for the diabetic ones. In the truth, it seems a potato, but its flavor is of pear. Beyond being indicated for the diabetic ones, it also it has the power to deal with policsticos ovrios and still it can be indicated for those with reactive hipoglicemia. The main nutrient found in this potato functions as a intestinal prebitico. This product is the oligossacardeo fruit, that is a type of carboidrato and that it has this power.

The mineral found in the Yacn, of bigger concentration is the potassium, later in lesser amount has: match, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, have covered and zinc. In small amount it has still lipdeos. This tubercle is rich in a type of carboidrato, that easily is not digested by our intestine, this makes with that it functions better, preventing some intestinais illnesses, making with that our organism, does not increase the glicemia in the blood, helping in the treatment of diabetes and its prevention. Moreover, it helps much in the mineral absorption, preventing the swell, cimbras, osteoporose and still the arterial hipertenso. It improves the absorption of some minerals in the intestine, because it leavens more and has low digestibilidade, since it is rich in staple fibres.

This potato is less calrica, therefore also it can be indicated for regimes of emagrecimento. The best form to usufruct of this tubercle is consuming it raw and as its flavor is very similar with the one of the pear, nothing better of what beating it with juices of any fruit, or if preferring with milk. If you to want to vary you can also use this potato yacn in saladas raw, with carrot, cucumber, string bean, at last, with the vegetable of its preference, but I believe that in virtue of its flavor to be similar to the one of the pear, juices with fruits are the best option. It confers here plus a prescription. The main one is you to know this tubercle, importantssimo for diabetic and also for all the people, who are always looking an feeding healthful. It refines its diet and it becomes its more healthful routine. It knows what it is Max Burn and as this fitoterpico can help it.


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