
December 24th, 2010

When cellulite fits somewhere in the body is resistant enough to stop it. To keep cellulite at bay is to follow a diet that will help to: eliminate clean up toxic waste liquids to avoid constipation encourage weight control Let’s see what exactly is cellulite cells that lie under the skin (fat cells) are responsible for store fats the body needs for energy. When an imbalance occurs no longer receive the help of certain hormones with which they work, are altered leading to abnormal growth and degenerate. The body keeps storing fat and fluids, tissues become hardened and less oxygen, it alters the movement, swelling the affected area increases the accumulation of toxic substances and deteriorate many blood capillaries. This affects 90% of women and produces the unsightly orange peel. Mostly appears on the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms and knees.

According to most experts the appearance of cellulite is closely related to food, and therefore advise following a series of food standards to be applied with great consistency. Certainly there is cause hereditary and unhealthy lifestyles such as drinking and especially have the habit of smoking. It does not help nothing to wear tight clothes that do not favor the movement. A sedentary life is the icing to enhance the cellulite, it is imperative gentle exercise and continued for at least 30 or 40 minutes a day. If we eat every day not going to move every day? Here are some tips to debug your body daily: Take vegetable smoothie made by you and take it in the moment of liquefied half hour before the main meals should be light.

Plants are suitable eg celery, fennel, apple, pineapple, spinach … Another option you can take is to take during a full day a week only fruits, vegetables and their juices (which are in season can not) sure to make a good contribution of iron to keep anemia at bay, plus this mineral deficiency favors the appearance of cellulite and difficult removal. Keep salt away from your desk, and not just the salt shaker which is also in foods such as sausages and ready meals. Credit: clothes for tall women-2010. Ideal infusions of horsetail, sage and green tea as they are very effective to help remove fluid and toxins. Control your weight because even thin women can also be affected by cellulite, diets rich in fat promote obesity and cellulite emperor. Drinking water, eight glasses of water and the rest in teas or herbal teas. The hydration facilitates the removal of fluids, even though you may seem otherwise, the body is very wise and if it is devoid of liquid which has saved it, thus increasing the deductions. It’s not easy to get rid of cellulite but if you put all efforts to process daily and follow these guidelines you can get.

How To Cure Hemorrhoids Natural Treatments

December 8th, 2010

“Hello I get a lot of blood when I go to the bathroom and I do not want to eat to avoid having to go to the bathroom. My question is if you run some risk of bleeding if I do an enema in this state because for me I have to see the Proctologist me an enema but the bleeding is getting worse. I would appreciate it please help me with this doubt “after the surgery took two months and I have not healed, hemorrhoids grade 3 internal and external, external in the year I had another one collapsed near the wound that I saw that you recommend? “” But as I say, I now resurfaced external hemorrhoid problem that I returned to ignite, and not to do, not if I will return to go alone if I continue to exercise “The Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids beyond the health problems they generate, affect your intimate life and social, so it is important to pay attention and start as soon as possible that full and early demise. .