Planet Earth

April 8th, 2024

The human beings we must and we have the obligation to respect the Planet Earth and all organism that the Integra; from the microscopic one to most complex. If the humans instead of to destroy, we observed as million and million interact to each other of organisms that coexist between us, we would learn many things related to the term coexistence, having helped us to be better people. The nature gives to a lesson of tolerance and respect us hacias other alive beings. It is not nothing else necessary to pay attention to give us account to him that the pacific coexistence is possible. For example plants exist that dissuade to the animal by means of their bad flavor; and there are certain animal that ingest their leaves with the purpose of to be rejected by their enemies.

There are fish that are desparacitados by other smaller fish; birds that deposit their eggs in other nests, being these accepted by its function of bush flies. The sluggish one needs the green seaweed that grows in their body like camouflage to protect itself of the enemy, and the seaweed needs as well cells of its hair to live. And thus it would be possible to be continued enumerating endless of examples of life common one, or dependency of life without harming the other, with the purpose of to only protect itself. That he is what the human beings do not do; but quite the opposite, practices the cult to the destruction of all type of life or with eagerness of economic results, or by the simple fact to destroy. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit george karfukel. It is not necessary to go more far than to see when call also arrives the time from Easter or week of tourism, as it promotes by different mass media the places in which it is possible to be gone to hunt certain animal. And many children from early ages go adquirindo the culture to kill animal due to killing as he deports.

We must think that ” equilbrio” in all the senses he means the same; the balance of a human being and the balance of the nature go by the same way; when this one is broken and it is not healed in time, this one does not return to be the same, being sequels that in many cases are very serious and irreversible. Like irreversible it is the indiscriminate animal hunting that has taken to the extinction of several species, by the macabre and mediocre aim to presume a fur coat, a carpet in a wall or the figure of an animal in a corner of the house; like trophy of being able, in front of the same animal or to feel more important and more powerful than other people. When we are going to understand that we are not the owners of the Planet Earth, nor the unique alive beings we inhabited who it; when we are going to understand that one is not due to kill and yes to respect the Life, all type of Life; that all we needed all in its measured joust. Measured joust that is given from the creation of the Universe; nothing is here by itself; everything has because and an aim; on this one measured joust we depend all the Alive Beings and the Planet Earth. Here you will find articles of quality for the care of the body, the mind and the spirit; besides other sections like being: Sports, Entertainments, Computation, Health, Painting, Languages and more.


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