The Body

August 23rd, 2013

Wait a minute not had said you your program promised you the body of the cover? What they are doing is to keep in this madness of fitness that I mentioned earlier. You keep doing the same thing (testing the next product or training and fad diet regime), promising you the same wonderful fat burning results. If it doesn’t work, I recommend the following grandiose method. Many people use the next product or miraculous promise while the fitness industry uses it for their benefit! Unfortunately this industry, in many ways, has become a cycle of exaggeration and sensationalism. It is true, there are some trainers and professionals with a good heart, but even some of them are being controlled by the owners of gyms, by the editors of magazines and supplements companies. That’s where the money is! Even if they are trying to help you, become unintended victims of the machinery. They advertise their products, programs and diets using genetically the most select among the blessed.

Hey, if it worked in that type or that girl that has an impressive physicist, will work in me. I fell into the trap too many times, until I started to investigate and experiment as I said before. Then, one fine day I finally woke up and discovered the secrets that few know for myself. Secrets that will never dominate the general recommendations of the fitness industry because they are not popular among the people controlling it. Why? Because these principles will not sell huge amounts of equipment or ridiculous devices for exercise, or magic potions.

My fat burning students are instructed in the proper application of intense and progressive resistance training on the intake of a diet full of nutrient-rich foods, in drinking plenty of water, and in the procurement of large amounts of sleep quality and rest. However, our subconscious mind is powerful, one has to be careful because even now I can feel attracted by the fascinating ads that pass through the night on television, while I am well informed. Therefore, you have to be on guard. If people give him more attention to proven principles as those who teach it to my students and spend less time with the last Rompe-traseros or debugger of grease on the market, all We would be healthier, thinner, stronger and happier. Likewise, we would be also burning a lot more fat in the process.

Vibration Platforms

August 3rd, 2013

As a person who makes exercise one should always aim to incorporate the most effective training methods possible within your comprehensive exercise program. This means using equipment and traditional techniques as well as alternative proven that work, not fads that only slim us wallet. Well, these alternative methods (which already has more than fifty years among us) include vobratorias platforms.Vibration training stands to increase the frequency at which the muscles contract. On the platform, your muscles will contract between 30 and 50 times per second, which in turn increases the intenisdad of the training. Studies have shown that the conventional exercise uses approximately 40% of the used muscles, while training in vibration platforms involve approximately 97% by involuntary muscle contractions.There are a wide variety of exercises you can do on the vibrating platform, both for your top train as for your lower train. Exercises or simple positions like the iron, then squats, if done on a platform can be very intense and efficient.The training platform is proven that can be an important tool to increase strength, flexibility and balance. But other benefits which also owns are the optimization in the recovery from injuries, improving bone density and their mechanical ability, will give you greater flexibility, strength and release of hormones, improve your motor skills, will reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve blood circulation. With so many benefits one sometimes seems that it is selling a miracle.

But the real question is until that point is as good a platform and if it can replace the traditional training. Some argue that ten minutes (what would be a typical workout on a platform) is equivalent to 40 minutes of conventional training. Certainly these platforms are so wonderful and efficient, but to enhance and experience the magnificent results that promise, vibration training should be used as one complement to rather than a replacement.That is why it is necessary to use several forms of training and always trying to improve our programs. Then, if your weights every other day session and your session of cardio every other day you add 10 minutes of exercise on a vibrating platform, I think that you can get the best of both worlds, but translated into results in your body.