Disease Causes

March 22nd, 2013

Recommendations of a madrilenian expertoEl Juan Santiago Martin Duarte is nurse and geriatric expert, and has been since 1994 dedicated to the study of this disease and the care of the sick. Master in Social Gerontology by the University of Barcelona, he has combined their duties working in nursing homes and is collaborator nurse, non-profit, with the Association of relatives of sufferers of Alzheimer’s disease (AFAL), of Madrid, dedicating himself to the teaching of courses about the aforementioned disease, as well as in supporting and listening to groups of mutual aid (groups range) of the Association. He has published numerous articles in nursing (care of Alzheimer’s patients) in the journal Alzheimer’s belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs. Surne: evolving with the sociedadEsta mutual insurance Dean has managed grow to adapt to the changing needs of our society over more than 100 years. He was born in 1905 as Socorros Mutuos entity to cover risks of personal welfare (life, sickness and invalidity) and today provides coverage to more than 100. 000 insured throughout the national territory, with very diverse products, which incorporate an imminent new insurance unit, in response to the growing need in this area. SURNEwww. surne. esC / Cardenal Gardoqui, 1 48008 BILBAO related Blogs a walk through the Museum of fine arts, mathematics hidden in Alzheimer’s disease is a disease of genetic testing to determine completo Alzheimer’s Disease Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Local man is on the transition to combat Alzheimer’s disease Giving Researchers a Face for Alzheimer’s / Chicago News Cooperative Museum of fine arts of Bilbao (Vizcaya-Bizkaia) Cottage gossip world the true reasons for divorce from Kate Winslet Egypt II New Voices Bilbao will offer degree in production of games Blanca Uriarte: the poet has its own evolution Poesia eres


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