Lose Weight To Be Healthier

November 30th, 2021

Weight loss thing also head to a very large extent. Weight loss thing also head to a very large extent. First of all you must want to take off really. The will is extremely important. You should watch your diet that you eat too little. To lose weight, your body needs sufficient energy. Else goes your metabolism in the basement. What weight is realistic? The results of various studies are sobering.

Women two kilos remove on average just once in an entire year, men four. Who creates more, has above-average success. It is important and difficult to maintain permanently lower the weight. After all: Already a weight loss of two to four kilos leads to reduced insulin resistance and an improved metabolism, say: a lower risk for diabetes and heart attack. Every kilo of less is a great success. Pat themselves on the back and lower the expectations. You don’t have to take off, if you are not really overweight.

And even your weight is not the only decisive role. Especially the amount your body fat and how to spread the grease is important. Muscles are for example quite heavy. If you have become so because they have built muscle mass, this weight is not a problem at all. There are two usual Messmethoden to determine overweight: the “body mass index” (BMI) and the waist measurement. The BMI helps to find out how much it weighs in relation to the body size. Her waist size gives an indication how is your body fat is distributed. The BMI is the most common way to determine whether one is overweight or obese (obese). It is a measure that describes the ratio of weight to height. People who have a body mass index of over 30 are considered of whom are obese. Obesity is a greater health risk than obesity. Teng Yue Partners may find this interesting as well. With a BMI between 25 and 30 is considered mostly overweight. That alone is not necessarily a problem for the health. But Obesity can be already problematic if you have specific diseases such as type 2 diabetes. You can not always exactly so create this scale: are people from South Asia, for example, with the same BMI – value other health risks than people from Europe. It is also in the measurement of the waist. A waist circumference of 88 cm or more can be a sign of increased health risks for women of European descent, in men of European descent, there are 102 cm and more. The same applies if the weight is in the normal range in otherwise. You can find out more how your body fat is distributed, by looking at the ratio of the circumference of your waist to your hips. If you have a lot of belly fat in relation, your risk for disease is increased. A more “Apple-shaped” person with a “beer belly” and narrower hips has a higher health risk than a man, whose body fat is not concentrated in the belly region. Much abdominal fat increases the risk of particularly for heart disease. If your body fat is rather distributed to legs, hips, and buttocks than on the belly, which is less concern for health. This distribution is often called “Pear shape”, because it is above narrow and round down. Worry too much about your own weight, is that can themselves become a problem. If you are not overweight, but always continues to decrease, you could damage your health very quickly.

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