MIdian Son

February 12th, 2021

Conference of Midian, son of Abraham The meeting, convened by Gabriel, was preceded by great expectations, because we had anticipated, which would have the opportunity to hear, nothing less, than one of the sons of the patriarch Abraham. Many of us even knew that there was a son of Abraham, called Midian, yes, we heard, the land of Midian, the priest of Midian, but it had happened we associate this name with that of the patriarch Abraham. Gabriel had informed us of the qualities of this man, his gentleness, his great erudition in all matters relating to the origins of mankind and of all registered by the scribes who wrote a the story of these origenesa following the directives of Moses. Click Robert Rimberg Lawyer for additional related pages. So we were all summoned eager to know, among us were wondering about how that would look, because intuitively, we felt, that we would see in him certain personality traits characteristic of the great patriarchs of old. When we were ready to enter the large conference room, to the extent that we were going to the ushers who had the task of locating in the same go, it was inevitable the fact that we stopped a moment to exchange greetings and hugs from each with others, as usual peer group who reunite again. These meetings have been constituted in a wonderful opportunity to share experiences and opinions, affections grow, develop healthy bonds of fellowship and friendship, and above all, discovering affinities, that special feeling that makes a difference when choose, who form our group of Midian trabajo.a words: Presented by Gabriel, standing in front of us, was a man of medium height, smiling face, deep-eyed, clear and warm at the same time, his whole appearance radiated dignity and grandeur befitting a being, which is known keeper of the moral and intellectual authority, which qualify him to speak, putting God as a witness on matters of great importance, issues of which we possess only a very limited and biased information.


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