Neurosis and Psychosis

November 18th, 2012

As bordering structure between the neurosis and the psychosis, the upheaval of Borderline personality tends to parade innumerable symptoms, many opposing times between itself under the point of view of the hypotheses diagnosiss, taking to the uncertainty and boardings maken a mistake in such a way in the psicoteraputica intervention as in the medicamentosas lapsings. The search of the understanding, part of the different nomenclatures and quarrels of theoreticians on the subject, for a necessary diagnosis. Therefore, one I diagnosis inexact can influence drastically in the adequacy of the interventions, as well as in finishes analysis, in the duration and the intensity of the suffering of the patient. 1 historical Evolution of the personality upheaval borderline In 1801, Philippe Pinel told a serious riot of behavior, where the patients completely were taken by one ' ' instinct furioso' ' one ' ' sanguinria crueldade' ' , but they had not revealed any disfuno in the intellectual plan. Victims of ' ' insanidade' ' it devastava that them affectively, kept perfect and unbroken, however, its intellectual capacities.

To this, Pinel gave the name of ' ' craze without delrio' '. (PINEL, 1801, apud BEDANI, 2002) In 1835 the English psychiatrist James C. Prichard described a group of patients that revealed one ' ' violence incontrolvel' ' in which the self-control capacity absent or was damaged. He treated himself, of a moral insanity, therefore such patients presented one ' ' perversion mrbida' ' in the spheres of the ethical values, of the feelings and the moods. However, the insanity or moral madness, such which the craze without delirium, did not provoke cognitivas alterations or delirious manifestations the patients spoke or reason about any subject that if considers they. (PRICHARD, 1835, apud CAMPBELL, 1986) In 1986 an analysis detailed in hebefrnicos patients was presented, being the hebefrenia, characterized for ' '? silly, pueril affection? , with manifestations of mannering alterations serious and gradual disaggregation of the thought.


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