Theoretical Systematization

December 11th, 2021

How originates the anguish? The present article presents a proposal of theoretical systematization of the destinations of the concept of angstia1 in the trajectory of the thought of Freud, searching chronological to display the construction of this idea. Although diverse authors to present innumerable publications on the subject, will have as reference only the reflections of Freud. I will deal with here arcabouo minimum theoretician that I considered indispensable to approach the practical one of the psychoanalysis, made through some clippings in the workmanship of Freud that they aimed at to reach the considered objective. Of beforehand I affirm that he is not easy, however, to establish a miniature one when this discourses to make one ' ' recorte' ' in the psicanaltica theory, in the measure where he is formed by a tram of interlaced concepts, where one always sends to the other. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Darcy Stacom. In its clinic, where it says of the patient constitua to it the matrix of its knowledge, Freud was come across with the permanent complaint of the anguish (independent of the clinical picture), of which all complained of they told as being its bigger suffering (FREUD, 1917/1996: 393). This subject is sketched in a series of manuscripts sent by Freud the Fliess, between 1892 and 1895, being able to be synthecized initially by the following present stretch in the Rough draft and, intitled As if it originates the anguish? (FREUD, 1894b/1996) – ' ' Everything what I know the respect is the following one: soon one became clearly that the anguish of my patient neurotics had much to see with sexualidade' '. (FREUD, 1894b/1996: 235). Interpellated for its hesitation, Freud followed behind answers, betting in the discovery of solutions, and searching to apprehend even though what in the anguish if it finds in game, (in the analytical relation) without restricting, at any moment of its workmanship, a universal direction to this affection.

The experience of the anguish does not lead for the reason of its despontamento. In contrast, what acomete the citizen if presents in such intensity that the arrebata to a paralisante suffering, or, insinuated in its speech, as one ' ' mal-estar' ' , without reason apparent, if becoming incompressible. In the world where the citizen is inserted today, in an atmosphere of express social malaise for this ' ' mal-estar' ' physicist, impactado for diverse forms of violence and suffering, the presentifica anguish if in its body. In this direction, well-being is searched immediate: farmacolgicas drugs, consumption of illicit drugs, therapies with happiness promise, something that serves to disable the citizen to question its different expressions of ' ' mal-estar' '. Through the readings, I evidenced that Freud granted to the affection of the anguish a place each more important time for the understanding of the psychic processes, being only the capable one to announce the arrival of a pulsional danger, of a traumatic situation that would leave I without resources.


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