How to Have Healthy Bones

November 29th, 2013

But back directly to the definition of what is rickets. As we have already decided – this is mainly vitamin D, vitamin deficiencies were observed in the intensity of the growing organism, and manifests itself mainly with violations of bone tissue. This definition requires no commentary. First of all, pay attention to the wording: intensively growing organism. This explains why rickets suffer mostly children of the first year of life. By metabolic rate of this period there will be no human life ever. Judge for yourself. By 6 months of a child doubles, triples by 1 year, weight at birth.

During this period, bone tissue has time to repeatedly upgrade. In the body of the child during this period there is a constant destruction and synthesis of bone, providing a continuous growth. This process provides special proteins bind calcium and a variety of hormones. And precisely in order to proteins, transporting calcium from the bones and back, have become active, you need vitamin D. In the case of vitamin D will be missed, disrupting the delicate balance between synthesis and destruction of bone tissue and there clinical picture of rickets. However, it is worth noting that the first signs of rickets are not bony changes. In addition to the musculoskeletal system are also affected many other body systems.

But first and foremost nervous system. The child becomes restless, there is excessive sweating. The child rubs his head against the wet pad, and appear typical of temples. Right now, it is worth considering, and not a consequence of this deficit is vitamin D in the body.


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